Upload Files

Here's how simple it is:

We have an account with YouSendIt.com to make file transfer simple, safe and super-fast. No need to download or use special FTP software. Easily send your large file by uploading it through a web browser, from your desktop or right from within your favorite application such as Microsoft Outlook.

Once uploaded, we'll receive an email notification, click on the link in the email and download the file. Done!

Acceptable File Types:

  • Adobe Creative Suite CS5 – Unflattened with layers intact is highly desired.
    • When using Adobe InDesign all files should be packaged to ensure that all linked images & fonts are included
    • When using Illustrator, please embed all links
  • EPS, PDF & TIF are preferred. Print ready JPGs saved at maximum quality are also acceptable.
  • Fonts must always be supplied with your artwork, unless they have been converted to curves.
  • Files should be 150 dpi at 100% scale. Scale dpi according to the scale of the file. For example, if the file is at 50% scale, the dpi should be 300. Files can be reduced to 80-100 dpi at 100% scale for larger projects, such as bus wraps and large vehicles. Files with a lower resolution than specified may be pixelated/blurry when printed. Files provided at a higher resolution than specified above will be reduced to the appropriate dpi in the preflight process.

File Preparation

Please view the PDF below for instructions on how to prepare your art files correctly.


Now That's A Wrap

2017 Whitfield Park Drive,

Sarasota, FL 34243

Phone. 941-751-1920

Fax. 941-751-1902

Email. contact@nowthatsawrap.com